Carolyn Malachi - Beautiful Dreamer
Beautiful song and message from singer Carolyn Malachi. To learn more about the singer, visit her -
Pin Up Dolls
I found a cute site where you can make your own little Pin Up Doll's. Go to Doll Divine Pin-Up Maker.
In My Nappy Hair - by UniverSoul
"In My Nappy Hair "

In my nappy hair
exists exotic energy
that has been here for centuries
strengthening me continuously for infinity
allowing me to muster the ability
to see, act and think clearly.
In my nappy hair
The soul of Afrika lives
Which gives
my spirit culture and foundation
Enlightens me on the essence of creation
Brings me education and elevation
of the truth of my beloved Nubian nation
In my nappy hair are Afrikan songs
that make me STRONG
that tells me who I am and where I belong.
In my nappy hair
There is positivity in a large capacity
traveling at high velocities
possessing infinite possibilities
of peace, progression and prosperity.
In my nappy hair is powerfully
refined protein
packed with profound principle
which makes me an invincible King.
In my nappy hair
Knowledge, wisdom and insight
have been twisted together to loc
forming forces of passion and fire
My nappy hair
is natural
is magical
is spiritual
is original
In my nappy hair
- Poem By UniverSoul
Pencil Drawing of Amoa
Art work by talented Artist Jason Kenny. The art work above is a pencil drawing using graphite pencil.
Source: Jason Kinney Art & Live.Laugh.Love.Locs
Artist: Jason Kenney
Org photographer: Josh Dryk
Location: Art Love Magic office 2010
Alicia Keys - Un-thinkable (I'm Ready)
Alicia Keys has an amazing song out called "Un-thinkable (I'm Ready)". Along with the song, Alicia made a very powerful video, that touches on the racial tensions that surround interracial relationships. The video begins in the 1950s, where Alicia's character faces anger and disapproval from her community for dating someone that is of a different race. The video covers over 6 decades, to the present day, showing that not much has changed since that time.
This video really impressed me because I could feel a lot of the emotions from the scenes that reminded me of what I went through in my own life. My relationship with my boyfriend, who is a different race, is amazing - because he is amazing!! Not because his skin is a different color than mine. Being a part of a interracial relationship is no different then being in a relationship with someone of your own race. The only difference is that there are people in the world that choose to treat you with hate, because of their own ignorance or self hatred.
"This is my and my boyfriend's song. Its unfortunate that others can't see the love we share for each other. instead they see a Latin and African American together and start to judge. Love is deeper than skin color."
- Nancy
"In the video (from the 50s to the 2000s), people have not been accepting interracial relationships. She [Alicia] just shows that prejudice has not changed much since 60 years ago." - Caitlin H.
"Interracial Love is beautiful! This song isn't attacking black men nor white men or anything just stating a truth, as to how it once was and in some areas, still is!!! Please grow up and recieve knowledge and understanding becasue IGNORANCE is not a pretty trait!!!" - Y.A.M

This song is one of many great songs off of Alicia Key's album "The Element of Freedom".
Photographer Leon Dale - Images You'll Love
For any one that looks for images online, depending on the site you to go - finding beautiful images for women with big natural hair is not easy. But thanks to Photographer Leon Dale, we will have another great option for finding beautiful images of women with natural hair. Leon is currently working on a project called The Big Natural Hair Project.
Leon Dale Photography
Leon Dale's Big Natural Hair Photo Collection
"The Big Natural Hair project is a celebration of Black women with natural hair. The explosive crown of natural hair was once frowned upon,considered unkempt or too ethic for the work place. It is now so muchmore appreciated and respected. It has been covered by mainstreammagazines, featured in fashion spreads and on characters in prime time T.V. Ithas a thriving online community both for those who wear the style and those whoare enamoured by it.
The big natural hair project is my homage to natural hairduring this period of renewed interest. The women who decide to wear their hair natural do so fornumerous reasons and come from diverse backgrounds. Not all of them areneo-soul, not all of them are afro-centric and the style can be rocked in manydifferent ways, from out right afro to frohawks and twists. It can shine, itcan kink, it can curl, natural hair can blow in the wind or stand in defiantcoils.
The women in this collection are particularly proud of theirhair and it shows. Their hair no longer simply a shield from the sun, but anexpression of a life style, a unique and personal accessory. Put in itssimplest terms, the plumage that is natural hair is hot. I believe itsbeautiful and there's a large and growing fan base that's right along side me." - Leon Dale
Leon Dale Photography
Leon Dale's Big Natural Hair Photo Collection
Link of the Day - Natural Beauty in Swim Wear
Even with summer ending, I can still appreciate the beauty of this colorful and unique bathing suit.
Source: Current Obsessed With
Celebrate - 1,000 Subscriber's!!!
Today marks a great day in for the Naturally Beautiful Hair Blog. We have reached 1,000 (plus) subscriber's today & 3,598 readers on the Naturally Beautiful Hair Facebook page. It has been such a great experience sharing all the joys of loving our natural hair. Let's continue to encourage, inspire and learn from one another!! Thank you for all of your contributions and support. This blog is about you and for you. Peace, love and happiness. Continue to love your naps, loc's, coils, curls, braids, kinks and more.
~ Karen, Naturally Beautiful Hair Blog & Website
Natural Hair Coloring Book!?!
What if there were coloring books for our little girls and young women, that inspired them to love their natural hair? I do not know if a coloring book like this already exist - but if they do, please reply to this post, and let us know the Title of the book and the Authors name, so we can look it up. Until then, I thought it would be great to start a collection of Natural Hair Drawings that can be printed out and given to our kids, so they can color them in. Here are few sketches to start off with (see artist credits below):
I will continue to add drawings to an online album, that I will create on the Naturally Beautiful Hair facebook page, to add to this collection. If you have a great sketch or know of an artist that has great sketches, please contact me at Or you can post the photo on the N.B.H. Facebook wall.
Artist: Jacques Provitt, Ehlin, SayaDarkholme, Ehlin, Qmab, BasicLee, Izryell, Molleren, Ebonfire, Kevin Winters
Here are a few of my own sketches, that will make great print outs for coloring pages. Enjoy!
Artwork by Karen:
I will continue to add drawings to an online album, that I will create on the Naturally Beautiful Hair facebook page, to add to this collection. If you have a great sketch or know of an artist that has great sketches, please contact me at Or you can post the photo on the N.B.H. Facebook wall.
Artist: Jacques Provitt, Ehlin, SayaDarkholme, Ehlin, Qmab, BasicLee, Izryell, Molleren, Ebonfire, Kevin Winters
Here are a few of my own sketches, that will make great print outs for coloring pages. Enjoy!
Artwork by Karen:
Shoe Fetish! Ernesto Esposito's Heels
Love these shoes! These are Multi-Colored Platform Heels by In Ernesto Esposito. They were worn by Beyonce, for her photo shoot for Instyle Magazine.
Source: Necole B.
Source: Necole B.
Easy Loc Braid Up - from Franchesca
Franchesca Ramsey create a great video tutorial for a cute braided updo. The style was inspired by Model Sepsenahki.
Interview with Sashae!
How did your Natural Hair Journey Start?
I’ve decided to transition because I want to liberate mynatural beauty. I came to the point where I want to show myself and others thatto embrace yourself naturally is a blessing from the Creator and noone should ever be afraid to be themselves. Also I was tired of theperception that “relaxed hair” is the way to go. I want to be unique, andversatile in the way God intended.
What inspired you to wear your hair naturally?
I’ve decided to transition to my hair natural because; I nolonger wanted to feel bounded my relaxers… Also I’ve came across many ignorantpeople; and I want to inspired others/myself by showing that natural hair isphenomenal. in addition I absolutely decided no turning back when I found yourblog/website honestly that is truly what has kept me going on my journey. Ms.Karen you are my inspiration; your work is greatly appreciated.
Any fears you may have, had or have overcome?
During this transition stage I’ve been wearing extensions(to grow out my hair) I still need to gain complete confidence for when I’m100% natural to be able to wear it & not be afraid. I have overcomethe myth that you can’t do much styling when your hair is natural; because“natural hair” is the most versatile.
What your natural hair goals are for the future?
What are you favorite products?
Mane’n Tail Original Conditioner, Grapeseed & JamaicanBlack Castor oil, Elasta QP leave-in H2.
What advice do you have for those who are afraid totransition to natural hair?
“Keep your face to the sunshine and you will not see theshadows." Making the decision to transition to natural may not be easy.However you need to overlook the negative things you’ll here from others, andbe optimistic about what you want. You should have Will-power, Patience, Commitment& Dedication.
Sashae's profile:
Winner!!! Giveaway for Earrings & A Hair Clip!
Thank you to everyone that entered the earring and hair clip giveaway! The designer of the jewelry line, has picked a winner. The winner is Kafi Ferrell. Congratulations!
Kafi - please email me your ship to address, and I will forward your information the jewelry designer. At that point, she will ship you your prize directly. You can email me at
Kafi - please email me your ship to address, and I will forward your information the jewelry designer. At that point, she will ship you your prize directly. You can email me at
Interview with Classcie!
Name: Classcie
Q:What is your hair story? What kind ofhair styles have you rocked, before embracing your natural hair?
A:August of 2010 was the last time I relaxed my hair before I decided to gonatural. My best friend was natural and she always told me I didn't need arelaxed but it took awhile for me to actually research the idea. After seeingmany videos and success stories about natural hair, I decided to try it out. Ibegan my transition by straightening my hair regularly. This continued forabout 5-6 months until I introduced myself to the natural hair community on YouTube. I immediately became infatuated with the idea of having long,gorgeous, textured hair and began to seek information on how to grow my hair outhealthy. I realized that I was not taking the protective route, I should haveand I immediately decided to put down the flat iron and do my first braidout.After that, I did braid-outs regularly and occasionally tried new styles likeflexirod sets and protective styles that allowed for all of my ends to betucked. After realizing I was having a lot of breakage, I decided to big chopon July 20, 2011 even though I planned on transitioning for 2 years.
Q:When and why did you decide to start wearing your hair naturally?

Q:Did you have any big fears about going back to your natural texture?

Q:What are three products you can't live without for nurturing/styling your hair?
A:My favorite product would have to be my Giovanni Direct Leave-In conditioner. ILOVE that product! It makes my hair so moisturized to the touch and I love the consistency of the product. Another product that I can't live without is myEcoStyler gel. Whenever I need to tame my hair to do something, whether it beto slick down my edges or eliminate frizz, I use EcoStyler gel in moderation.Shea butter has also worked wonders during my natural hair journey. I use itprimarily for my braid outs and twist outs and I love how it is light on myhair and doesn't leave my hair feeling greasy.

A:At the end of the day, what you do with your hair only affects you, it doesn'taffect anyone else directly. For those out there that don't want to embraceyour change and support your decision to go natural, if they are dear to you,educate them and explain to them why you are going on your journey.
Q:How can we keep up with you and your journey i.e. blog, twitter, facebook,fotki, tumblr, personal or professional website? (Optional)
A:Twitter = @classCie
Here is video footage of my big chop -
South African Singer - Lira!

Positive message and beautiful voice from South African Singer - Lira.
"South African Singer Lira Brings Her Talents Stateside, Wednesday Jul 13, 2011 – by Jamilah Lemieux.

In the past 8 years, Lira has released four platinum albums and dominated radio charts in her native South Africa. She’s been honored by the South African Music Awards and the MTV Africa Awards, performed at a number of globally- prestigious events, such as the 2010 World Cup Kick-Off and the 92nd birthday of Nelson Mandela and her stunning good looks have landed her on the cover of many fashion and lifestyle magazines; she was even named as Glamour Magazine South Africa’s “Woman of the Year”. The first artist to have a video from her country featured on VH1, Lira is now set on introducing US listeners to her Afro-Soul sound. Check out the adorable and gorgeous video for “Phakade” from the singer’s upcoming LP (also adorable and gorgeous are Lira and her on-screen love interest."
- Source: Clutch Magazine
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