"Brianna McCarthy is an artist who works in Trinidad &Tobago. In 2005 she exhibited work as part of the Trinidadian delegation to Venezuela for the Festival of Youth and Students XVI. In 2008 she showed a collection of drawings and paintings in a group exhibition at the Alice Yard in Trinidad and began an ongoing online exhibition of her work at briannamccarthy.blogspot.com. In 2009, her "12 Girls" was presented at Trinidad's Erotic Art Week, at the Brooklyn Bar Gallery. Brianna is currently working on a collaborative project, "Cc: Everybody" with artist, Rodell Warner. Cc:Everybody explores the modern dichotomy and interrelation between our public and private spaces and will be shown in Trinidad Erotic Art Week in July. She is also collaborating with The Cloth Design Company for Trinidad Fashion Week 2010 in May 2010.
Afro-Caribbean women have always been portrayed as strong, long-suffering, exoticised and picturesque beings against a backdrop of poverty, hardship, abuse and/or scorn. The range of emotional experience and expressions of our women in Caribbean art and culture have thus been limited to these circumstances. Her work exposes a new range of depth of expressions and emotions, which for the most part, are non existent in our recorded culture. Hopefully, her faces will add to, and possibly change the perceptions, relations and possibilities we hold for ourselves." - Source
To learn more about Brianna, check out her blog Passion.Fruit.