Katie Holmes Hair Style

A sticky little secret
I had someone ask on my other blog how I got this hairbow to stick to Little Squishy's head. I tried EVERYTHING to get them to stick to The Princess's head when she was an infant. KY, Karo's Syrup, etc. They would just fall off and leave a sticky mess. I just resorted to brain squeezers, which aren't my favorite, but what do you do?
When I had The Pea, a darling nurse in the hospital told me a little secret. Use Elmers Glue. It is water soluble and if you just get their hair wet before you wash the rest of their body at bathtime, by the time you get around to washing their hair, the glue is soft enough to be scrubbed out. Make sure you catch the ribbon. I have had more than my share almost go down the drain.
Do you know about this hair trick?

Try it on your own hair and see! It's like magic.
Red carpet hair styles

Finding the right hair style that works for your face shape/style, etc., can take some time and careful planning. If you experiment with different hair cuts all the time, it may take many bad ones to finally come to the one that is just right for you.
One of the many sources to look for different hair styles is the Red Carpet. By red carpet, I am referring to the entrance that many celebrities make to awards ceremonies such as the Emmy's, Oscars, Music awards and more.
Typically the red carpet will show us the most up to date hair styles worn by celebrities. We also get a glimpse into the fashion trends as well.
If you are looking for some great new hair style ideas, take a glance at our new Red Carpet Hair Styles at Hair Resources.
Amanda Bynes Winning Hair Style

Go ahead, get bangs

Bangs are hot this fall. Add them to just about any hair style for an awesome look.
Wear them chopped, short, wispy, long, side-swept, angled or just IN YOUR FACE!
Bangs are THE hair accessory you need for this fall.
See lots of bangs at http://www.hrbangs.com
Medium Bob with Bangs

The bob hair style is showing up everywhere this fall. There are short versions, long versions, medium versions and that doesn't even include the ones with all sorts of bangs.
The blunt bob, see photo left, works great to draw your attention to facial features such as the eyes and lips.
The bangs are kept silky straight and long--almost in your eyes.
See more bob hair styles at the new Hair Zingers Site;
Center Parts

Fall Hair Styles

What do you do when standing makes you sick?
New Hair Styles

Brad Pitt Long Hair Style

Elastics posed another problem. I hated rummaging through a huge tote of elastics. So one night when I had nothing better to do, I sorted elastics. Now I buy them pre-sorted, but putting them into a sectioned tackle box did the trick.
High ponytails for the hair impaired
French braid across the front
Cascading knots
Soft and Sweet
Ribbon Braids
Dance Hair
Lots of ponytailsl with cute clippies
Ponytails with zig-zag part
Long Hair Still Most Popular

Carrie Underwood Hair Styles

Carrie Underwood Partial Updo Hair Style
If I were writing the next Dos and Dont's Section for Glamour magazine, this hair style would be a do.
It features small sections from the sides of the hair pulled back and pinned into place. The hair in the crown area is slightly back-combed to create a little extra height in the area.
Side swept bangs are ironed smooth and flat and swept across the forehead.
Add to this the dangling earrings, expert makeup application and you will be a star, just like Carrie Underwood.
See more Carrie Underwood hair styles at http://www.hrhairstyles.com
Short and sassy hair styles

Sandra Bullock Hair Styles
Finding a Prom Hair Style

Selecting your hair style
When you decide that you want to find the perfect hair style for your face you will need to consider several issues before you find the right style.
First you must consider your face shape. The face shape is very important when trying to decide on a hair style. Some styles can make a round face look less round, a square face look more oval, a long face look less long, etc.
Sometimes you may want to add bangs to your hair style to camouflage a high forehead, or add just a little extra dimension to your look.
Find out what your face shape is by clicking on the button below. Then you can go to the next step of finding your hair style.
Adding Bangs to Your Hair Style

Sandra Bullock Hair Style from Lake House Movie

Jessica Simpson Hair Styles Profile
Jessica is the Queen of new hair styles. It seems like she comes out with new and even better looking styles every week. And, all of the styles look good. Some do look better than others.
Take her Medium Hair Style, for example. It is a blunt cut with a little bit of long layering combined with side swept bangs. It was an instant success and prompted many to run to their stylist, photo in hand, to copy this wonderful look.
Then there is the classic long, blonde curly hair style that she is probably the best known for. We're not sure if she ever had a long hair style that was actually all her hair--she is know for wearing hair extensions--but whatever--her long hair style looks great.
Click Here for: more coverage of all of Jessica's Simpsons hair styles