Katie Holmes Hair Style

Katie Holmes Hair Style

Katie has made her entry into the hair style fashion scene with her very stylist modern bob hair style, see photo left.
Her style features lots of layering combined with a deep side part and side swept bangs. This type of hair style can be worn many different ways, including curly and stick straight.
The bob hair style, however, is a high-maintenance style that will require frequent trims and lots of hair style products to keep all the hair in exactly the right place. This is especially true if you have frizzy or unruly hair. See more Katie Holmes hair styles at http://www.hrhairstyles.com/katie_holmes.htm

A sticky little secret

I had someone ask on my other blog how I got this hairbow to stick to Little Squishy's head. I tried EVERYTHING to get them to stick to The Princess's head when she was an infant. KY, Karo's Syrup, etc. They would just fall off and leave a sticky mess. I just resorted to brain squeezers, which aren't my favorite, but what do you do?

When I had The Pea, a darling nurse in the hospital told me a little secret. Use Elmers Glue. It is water soluble and if you just get their hair wet before you wash the rest of their body at bathtime, by the time you get around to washing their hair, the glue is soft enough to be scrubbed out. Make sure you catch the ribbon. I have had more than my share almost go down the drain.

Do you know about this hair trick?

Secret to reducing frizzy hair

Many professional stylists have a whole hat full of hair styling tricks that they sometimes share with their clients.

Of course they don't want to give away all of their secrets!

A great hair style trick that is really amazing is the concept of cool/cold. When you take a shower and you shampoo/condition, you can turn the water to cold during the last few minutes of your shower for amazing frizz control.

The cold water closes up the cuticle so that it can not absorb as much moisture anymore. Frizz happens when the hair absorbs and holds moisture.

Another great trick that is very similar is to switch your blow dryer to the cool setting (or press the cool blast button if you have one) after your hair is dry. This also does wonders for making your hair less frizzy.

Try it on your own hair and see! It's like magic.

Red carpet hair styles

Hair Styles on the Red Carpet

Finding the right hair style that works for your face shape/style, etc., can take some time and careful planning. If you experiment with different hair cuts all the time, it may take many bad ones to finally come to the one that is just right for you.

One of the many sources to look for different hair styles is the Red Carpet. By red carpet, I am referring to the entrance that many celebrities make to awards ceremonies such as the Emmy's, Oscars, Music awards and more.

Typically the red carpet will show us the most up to date hair styles worn by celebrities. We also get a glimpse into the fashion trends as well.

If you are looking for some great new hair style ideas, take a glance at our new Red Carpet Hair Styles at Hair Resources.

Amanda Bynes Winning Hair Style

Amanda Bynes is wearing a long, layered hair style that has lots of volume and texture.
Create this style on your own by first applying a volumizing product to the roots and blow dry the hair using a large round brush.
To create an extra smooth finish, you can run a flat iron over the hair from roots to the ends.
This particular hair style looks great with added highlights and lowlights mixed throughout the head. Notice that Amanda is letting her roots show. This is a very popular trend among celebrities. I'm not sure if they do it on purpose or they just don't have time to get their hair colored. Who knows?
Visit our Celebrity hair styles gallery for more great examples of celebrity hair styles. www.hrhairstyles.com

Go ahead, get bangs

Bangs are hot this fall. Add them to just about any hair style for an awesome look.

Wear them chopped, short, wispy, long, side-swept, angled or just IN YOUR FACE!

Bangs are THE hair accessory you need for this fall.

See lots of bangs at http://www.hrbangs.com

Medium Bob with Bangs

The Comeback of the Bob Hair Style

The bob hair style is showing up everywhere this fall. There are short versions, long versions, medium versions and that doesn't even include the ones with all sorts of bangs.

The blunt bob, see photo left, works great to draw your attention to facial features such as the eyes and lips.

The bangs are kept silky straight and long--almost in your eyes.

See more bob hair styles at the new Hair Zingers Site;

Center Parts

How do you part your hair?

For years now, the deep side part or zig-zag part has been in style. Now, we are seeing the return of the center part.

This type of style is very simple and straightforward to create on your own. Simply apply a straightening cream throughout your damp hair. Blow dry the hair using a large round brush to direct all layers down.

For the extra smooth finish, you can run a flat iron through your hair from roots to the ends. Finish off with a blast of shine serum.

You can leave your hair all down, or pull back a small section of hair in the crown area and secure into a low ponytail in the back.

This style can be worn for just about any occasion. For formal occasions, dress it up a bit with a decorative barrette or fancy headband.

See more fall hair styles at http://www.hrhairstyles.com/

Fall Hair Styles

Renew your hair style for fall

As the summer is winding down, much attention is drawn to preparing for school. If you want to change your hair style, what are the options and what is in style this fall.

Hair style preview. Almost every hair style that is popular today features some sort of layering. The runway models have long layered hair that is curled, straightened or even teaseed for a full look. The medium bob hair style features long layers with the front layers being slightly longer than the back. Short hair styles are full with lots of layering and texturizing.

If you don't know what hair cut you want to get, but you know you want to make some sort of change, then maybe you should consider these options:

1. Add just a few highlights to your hair. You can go to your salon for some quick highlighting. Some salons charge per foil and some have a flat fee for partial highlights.

2. Add bangs. Sometimes you can just add a few wispy bangs for a quick update to your hair style. If you only cut a few bangs, you won't be making a long term committment if you don't like the look.

3. Use hair accessories. There are many new and exciting hair accessories this fall. Try out one of the new colorful headbands that come with a silky scarf attached.

4. Try parting your hair a different way. If you normally part your hair on the side, try a center part.

For more great ideas, read the Zing Scoop--Great ways to add zing to your hair style

What do you do when standing makes you sick?

You sit in bed and make hairbows of course.

A week or so ago I took my kids to a museum on a feel-good day. I talked to a lady there whose little girl had these darling bows in her hair. I shared how I had made my little girls flowers in their hair and I assumed she would like to share information. I even gave her the name of this blog so she could look for how to organize her daughters hair things.

Well, the woman wouldn't share. She said she had promised her friend that she wouldn't tell. So much for sharing information. So I came home and googled "little girl hair-bows". HA! Guess what! There is a FANTASTIC woman out there who feels the way that I do. That the IDEA of making hairbows isn't patented. Ribbons have been around forever! So she shared the trade secret.

I am passing it on to you. Enjoy this website!!! Gleen all you can! Make it so that you don't have to spend oodles of $$$ on a bow that you could easily make for pennies! http://bowdesigns.50webs.com/

New Hair Styles

Finding a new hair style

It just got 10 times easier to find a new hair style online. Be sure to check out a brand new site, brought to you by Hair Resources, that features tons of new hair styles and great tips to improve your hair style or the condition of your hair.

Check it out now, http://www.hairzingers.com/

Brad Pitt Long Hair Style

Men's Long Hair Styles
Brad Pitt will look good no matter what length or hair style he has. But you have to admit that the long look on him does look really good.
This type of men's hair style will require a lot of frequent trims to keep it laying as smooth as shown in thei photo.
Another thing to consider is that extra styling time may be neede to get this look every day. I'm not sure if Brad styles his own hair everyday or he has a stylist that does it. If you plan to do your own styling, you may want to seek the advice of your hair stylist for specific directions on how to achieve this look.
For more men's hair styles, visit http://www.hrmenshair.com


I have amassed many, many articles for doing hair. An addiction if you will. A brilliant friend devised this clever way to store her hair articles. I just modified it for my own needs. I purchase an over-the-door shoe holder from Wally's (the cheap one, it is the only one that is see through) and then I separated my accessories by color. I then used two baggies, one for the clips and one for the ribbons. Depending on what I am doing with their hair that day, I just pull out the proper baggies and it makes putting them away easier as well.

Elastics posed another problem. I hated rummaging through a huge tote of elastics. So one night when I had nothing better to do, I sorted elastics. Now I buy them pre-sorted, but putting them into a sectioned tackle box did the trick.

High ponytails for the hair impaired

My baby has short hair and I keep it short until all of her layers grow together (I have issues with scraggly baby hair). I wanted to have two ponytails on the top of her head one day so this is what I came up with. Make sure her hair is VERY wet and use lots and lots of hairspray. But the result is so fun.

French braid across the front

I make my daughter lie on her side for this one. I part the hair and pull the bottom half into a ponytail to keep it out of the way. I start above one ear and go across the front of her head. This one takes a little patience. I do an under French braid because of all of her baby hairs in the front, but it looks really cute with a regular French braid.

Twist to a ribbon

I don't know how to explain twists. I am not very good at them myself. So just look and see if you can figure them out.

Cascading knots

Divide the hair in half. Pull into two ponytails and knot them. Then add that ponytail to the next section and knot again. Do the same thing one more time.

Dual French Braids to Crown

I think this one is so feminine. Part the hair into two and French braid to the crown. Secure with elastics and add a pretty ribbon. I love curling the ends with this one.


This is the cutest using bright-colored elastics. Divide hair into ponytails at the front of the head. Separate the ponytails into two. Divide hair again. Slowly go down in number. I like to stop their hair at one or three ponytails. It is all personal preferance.

Soft and Sweet

For Easter I like their hair soft. Reminds me of fluffy chicks. So for this one I pulled her hair up into a ponytail from her ear opposite her part to her part. I put it in a ponytail in the center of the two points. I curled her hair with the flat-iron and fluffed the curl.

Ribbon Braids

Pull the hair 1/2 way up into two ponytails. At the base, tie a double long length of ribbon. Braid to the ends using the ribbon as one of your three sections. Secure at the ends with elastics. Tie the ribbons up and add more as you desire. Curl the ends and you have a beautiful princess.

Messy buns

I love a slanted part. Part the hair from the side where their hair parts naturally and part it to the center of the crown. Pull into two ponytails. Twist until the ends just poke out. Secure with bobby pins. I love putting ribbons at the base. Spike out the ends.

Dance Hair

I LOVE curls on my kids. LOVE them. Unfortunately we were blessed with stick-straight hair. Our perfect solution is a flat-iron and a small barrelled curling iron. I pulled her hair 1/2 way up and sprayed the heck out of her hair until it was rather stiff. I combed it out and then went to work. Alternating sections, I curled her hair with the curling iron and the flat iron. To curl with a flat iron, you clamp the hair at the base with the iron and wrap the hair around it like you are going to curl ribbon on a gift. Slowly pull all of the hair through the iron and you end up with beautiful curls that hold better than they do if you use a curling iron. Top with a fluffy ribbon and you have hair worthy of a dance recital.


Some call these topsy-turvy ponytails, we call them knots. Whatever you call them, they are great for vacations and swimming because they keep hair out of sweaty faces. Pull the hair into a ponytail. Use a rat-tail comb to divide under the ponytail in half. Take the elastic and pull it through the part you made. Clear as mud? Good.

Lots of ponytailsl with cute clippies

I think this one is cuter on thicker hair, but I tried it on my little girl when hers was thinner. I have done it many times since then, but this is the only picture I have.

Ponytails with zig-zag part

Using a rat-tail comb, part the hair in a zig-zag down the center. Pull into two ponytails. Add ribbons for a cute finishing touch.

Double twisted bun

Pull the hair into a low ponytail. Section into two pieces. Twist one piece and secure with bobby pins. Twist the second section and wrap the opposite way. Leave the ends out for flipping.

Long Hair Still Most Popular

Long hair is still winning as the most popular hair style. Everywhere you look you see the long, flowing hair style look.

If you are very patient, you can just grow out your hair. Most hair grows about 1/2 inch per month. At that rate, you could have about 12-inch long hair in only 2 years.

If you want the long hair style sooner, you can always get permanent hair extensions or even wear clip-in hair extensions. Hair extensions have come a long way and some methods are quite affordable for those that don't have millions in the bank (like celebrities!!).
For more info on getting hair extensions, visit http://www.hairextensionsexposed.com

Carrie Underwood Hair Styles

Carrie Underwood Partial Updo Hair Style

If I were writing the next Dos and Dont's Section for Glamour magazine, this hair style would be a do.

It features small sections from the sides of the hair pulled back and pinned into place. The hair in the crown area is slightly back-combed to create a little extra height in the area.

Side swept bangs are ironed smooth and flat and swept across the forehead.

Add to this the dangling earrings, expert makeup application and you will be a star, just like Carrie Underwood.

See more Carrie Underwood hair styles at http://www.hrhairstyles.com

Short and sassy hair styles

Short and sassy hair styles belong to Halle Berry. She practically invented them.
Check out this short hair style that features many layers that are uniquely positioned using hair products.
This type of hair style is very easy to create. Simply apply strong hold styling product throughout the hair and shape and position hair using your fingers.
Add accessories and you are done.
Not everyone can pull off the short hair style like Halle Berry. It takes some serious confidence!

Sandra Bullock Hair Styles

Sandra Bullock Hair Styles

Sandra has received a lot of press these days with all her new hair styles, not to mention new movies.

Here is a medium length hair style that features long layers and side swept bangs. The ends are left a little choppy.

Finding a Prom Hair Style

Prom Hair Styles - 5 hot styles

If you are looking for just the right prom hair style, you will want to check out our feature on Top 5 Prom Hair Styles.

Just a glimpse at the top styles--They are sleek updos, messy updos, partial updos, wavy long hair styles, and straight styles.

See how you can make your style sparkle and sizzle with just a few changes or additions.

Plan ahead for your prom hair style so you won't have any surprises.

Coming soon! The Top Secret Prom Hair Report. You don't want to miss this invaluable report!

Selecting your hair style

How to find the perfect hair style

When you decide that you want to find the perfect hair style for your face you will need to consider several issues before you find the right style.

First you must consider your face shape. The face shape is very important when trying to decide on a hair style. Some styles can make a round face look less round, a square face look more oval, a long face look less long, etc.

Sometimes you may want to add bangs to your hair style to camouflage a high forehead, or add just a little extra dimension to your look.

Find out what your face shape is by clicking on the button below. Then you can go to the next step of finding your hair style.


Adding Bangs to Your Hair Style

Adding Bangs

If you want to make a change to your hair style, but aren't quite ready for drastic measures such as color changes, perms or going from long to short, then adding bangs may be the best thing for you.

Just about anyone can wear some type of bang. There are side-swept bangs, eyebrow length bangs, choppy bangs, the not really bangs, straight bangs and wispy bangs.

Each bang has a different purpose. For example, the side-swept bangs is a great way to add a few bangs in the forehead area without committing to the full bang. If you committ to a full bang you will be looking at several months to grow them out in the event that you do not like them. The bangs can camouflage a high forehead and make your face appear to be more oval.

In short, adding bangs to your hair style is a great way to change things up a little bit. For more great examples of different types of bangs, visit http://bangs.hairresources.net

Sandra Bullock Hair Style from Lake House Movie

Sandra Bullock Medium Hair Style

Sandra Bullock is seen in photographs for the premiere showing of Lake House wearing a medium length hair style. The hair has very long layers, starting well past the hear, along with side swept bangs.

But, this is not the exact hair style that she had in the movie Lake House. The hair style, see left, is much shorter, especially in the layering and is textured somewhat throughout. The bangs are about nose length and swept to the side.
This type of layered medium hair style will require frequent trims and will require extra time each morning to style. This is especially true if you have difficult hair that won't do what you want.
For more great Sandra Bullock Hair Styles, visit http://www.hrhairstyles.com/sandra_bullock.htm

Jessica Simpson Hair Styles Profile

Jessica Simpson Hair

Jessica is the Queen of new hair styles. It seems like she comes out with new and even better looking styles every week. And, all of the styles look good. Some do look better than others.

Take her Medium Hair Style, for example. It is a blunt cut with a little bit of long layering combined with side swept bangs. It was an instant success and prompted many to run to their stylist, photo in hand, to copy this wonderful look.

Then there is the classic long, blonde curly hair style that she is probably the best known for. We're not sure if she ever had a long hair style that was actually all her hair--she is know for wearing hair extensions--but whatever--her long hair style looks great.

Click Here for: more coverage of all of Jessica's Simpsons hair styles